Getting Started


Understanding the strategic direction and organizational readiness of a credit union is the first step to crafting a roadmap that will allow for the successful implementation of Credit Union Intelligence that supports your overall strategic plan.

We meet with your executive team in order to identify gaps that exist between technology and the credit unions need for information to empower its strategic initiatives. No matter where a credit union lies within our CU Intelligence Maturity Model™, an implementation plan is designed using our CU Intelligence Life Cycle Methodology™ that will position your credit union to realize the power and value of Credit Union Intelligence.


Implementing your CU Intelligence project is not the destination; it is just a milestone on your journey to enabling enterprise-wide innovation.   Industry and internal changes, along with advances supporting in technology require that an organization continuously assess its environment for threats, risks, and opportunities.  Gaining insight from enterprise-wide data empowers you to identify trends and cultural changes that bring about continuous innovation and allows your Credit Union to realize the long-term value of your Credit Union Intelligence solution.

Continuous Innovation

Implementing your CU Intelligence project is not the destination; it is just a milestone on your journey to enabling enterprise-wide innovation.   Industry and internal changes, along with advances supporting in technology require that an organization continuously assess its environment for threats, risks, and opportunities.  Gaining insight from enterprise-wide data empowers you to identify trends and cultural changes that bring about continuous innovation and allows your Credit Union to realize the long-term value of your Credit Union Intelligence solution.

Corporate America Family Credit Union